Saturday, June 9, 2007

Saturday thoughts...

The air outside has cooled down significantly in the last several hours, and with that (it appears), so have my emotions and moodiness. I am sitting in a coffee shop right now, and just overheard two girls commenting on their crabbiness of late: "I was in such a horrible mood yesterday! I don't know what the deal was." I wanted to jump in -- "Me too! Me too!" Seriously, maybe it's something in the air! For me, the crabbiness of yesterday carried itself right on over into today, and then morphed into contemplation and introspection. Silly thoughts like "What am I doing with my life?" and "Maybe I should move to Hawaii" and "What I am going to do with the rest of my weekend?" inevitably led to the big one: "I'm not getting any younger..." and, well...all of the fears and thoughts that are linked to that statement followed close behind. So I decided to get out of the apartment and go to Barnes & Noble to browse the new fiction tables and books on art and creativity and travel, etc. And now I feel MUCH better! I resisted the urge to buy more fiction books, since I haven't even read the ones from my last splurge, but allowed myself to buy a few non-fiction, creative-like books that make me feel all warm & fuzzy inside :) --> The Creative License, A Short Guide To A Happy Life, (which sounds very self help-y but isn't really), and Bohemian Manifesto. Now I am sitting in this here coffee shop (Stevie Wonder blasting overhead), typing away, getting ready to dive into my new books, and anticipating the rooftop party I will be attending later tonight. Spirits are lifting by the minute. Everything will be okay. It will. Really.

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