Monday, July 30, 2007

New York bound

Back in the Cincinnati airport. But this time, there is not the anticipation of a lovely vacation to occupy my thoughts. Nor are the cute, chubby babies or friendly dachshund lovers available to entertain and amuse. Tonight, there are only grumpy, tired travelers and hundreds of cancelled and delayed flights. Bleh. For now, I am in the latter category, praying that I don’t end up in the former. It is NOT on my agenda to spend the night in Ohio…

It has been a long and frustrating day of travel…but the trip was so wonderful and relaxing, no amount airline stress can take that away from me! One of my favorite parts of my time there was the art. There is SO MUCH creativity and art in Santa Fe. And a ton of galleries…my dad and I took a walk down Canyon Road before dinner one evening and I was overwhelmed and delighted by all of the beautiful galleries (not to mention the super-friendly gallery owners who happily chatted away with us -- this one even said she wants me to email her photos of my work!) It was very inspiring and I am excited to get back to New York so I can begin several of the project ideas I have floating around in my head.

There is so much more to say about the trip, however my writing energy is rapidly dwindling. But I will leave you with a list of highlights because lists are fun and I love my lists:

* 5 movies in 4 days -- nothing like curling up with a fuzzy blanket in front of a flat screen TV with dad for movie night, which is EVERY night in Santa Fe :)

* a massage at this place, which is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. Oh yea, and the massage pretty much rocked too...

* the best sleep I have had in MONTHS. No insomnia, daily naps, and eight hours straight thru the night (except for the few seconds lost to the howling coyotes at three in the morning, which only interrupted my sleep long enough for me to be in sleepy-awe of the beauty and rawness of this peaceful place)

* walks and mini-hikes in the Rockies

* lots of good shopping and good food

Oh, and yay! Good news! We are boarding now! Farewell airport. Farewell mini-vacation. Back to reality. But it’s okay…I feel refreshed and ready to take on life and New York. Here we go….

1 comment:

Anna said...

I'll be thinking of someone worthy of such a gift! :)

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