Friday, August 10, 2007

weather and other randomness

whew. what a week. we had some 95+ degree heat, a twister in Brooklyn, and some crazy flooding in the subway stations on Wednesday which brought NYC to a screeching halt and caused HUGE problems and delays. it took me 1.5 hours to get to work. i walked. 45 blocks! yikes. there was also another mediocre blind date this week (no one can say i'm not "trying" -- right??) and many late nights with the bowls...after such a muggy and tiresome week, today the weather turned topsy turvy on us and decided to pretend that it's winter. COLD and WET. i find this...confusing...

to celebrate the start of the weekend, my roommate and i went to see Becoming Jane tonight (since our ballet in the park idea was rained/winter-ed out). the first half hour or so i was kinda like, eh...but then, as the film progressed, i found myself fully and completely in it - lost, taken...maybe it is because i felt i could relate on some level (don't we always do that though? take certain aspects of a story and relate it to our own life? or maybe that's just me...) overall, i enjoyed it very much. if nothing else, it certainly piqued my interest in Jane Austen's life -- enough so that i went straight to the bookstore and bought Jon Spence's biography of J.A. -- it will have to get in line, however, for i seem to have accumulated more books than i have the time for. i'm still working on the Emperor's Children. it's not awful. but not great either.

that's all for now. until next time...

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