Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Good Stuff

~this talk from my church a couple weeks ago. If you've got some time on your hands and want to fill you heart and head with Good Stuff, take a listen.

~this salon where I got the best haircut I've had in years for $35!!!

~this venue where I will be making my debut in January. It's always been a favorite spot of mine in the city: cute & cozy, tucked away on a little side street in the Village, and I have *always* wanted to play there. Yay!

~this musician. Her music is magical.

~this cutie-pie (my cousin) and this cutie-pie (my beau -- teehee) who I spent last weekend with in Florida (along with the rest of my cute family), celebrating the 90th birthday of this cutie-pie (my papa). More family pics will be posted on flickr soon....

Life is good and Christmas is coming. Wahoooo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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