Thursday, April 15, 2010

A Good Day.

a midtown fountain all a-glow with the sun

Today was quite an enjoyable day. The sun was shining, my mood was good and it was just one of those happy, really good days. Some of the things I enjoyed:

*eating a fresh turkey sandwich from my favorite deli outside on some steps in the sunshine during my lunch break.
*wearing fancy flip flops (regular comfy flip flops but with a fancy, sparkly stone in the center. totally cute & work-appropriate).
*getting a random email through Etsy from an editor of an online magazine about All Things New York who wants to interview me for her site (!!) (I know!).
*attending a Redeemer forum tonight about artists living out their dreams entrepreneurially & how they made it happen (sigh. so, so good).
*a late (very late) dinner with my sweetheart in Hell's Kitchen, where inspiring discussions ensued.
*a late (very late) night of (now) blogging & reflecting and thinking back on the day. a good day, indeed.

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