Wednesday, May 5, 2010


a quiet, contemplative morning

I took a walk through Central Park this morning on my way to a dentist appointment (their offices overlook the park, which is (clearly) why I chose them) and it was just amazing. Everything was so quiet and green and peaceful. Birds were chirping, ducks were swimming, dogs were frolicking all about. It was all so refreshing and lovely. And it got me thinking, why don't I do this more often? Or ever for that matter? Getting up a little earlier each day and taking a walk through the park, even just 20 minutes or so, would do wonders for me, I think.

I envied that girl up on that rock, sitting in quiet solitude, looking out over everything. I wanted to ditch my appointment and go find my own rock. Maybe tomorrow...

1 comment:

Anna said...

You totally should! When I lived on UES and worked on Chelsea, I walked across the park every morning and then took the train down. It was such a WONDERFUL way to start every day! I did it in just about every weather except rain. Much better than the days I took the train down and then walked across. That was one of the hard things when I moved to Harlem and only got to take the train. But you could do the opposite and it wouldn't take that much more time than your normal commute. I miss Central Park!

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