All things considered, it was a relatively smooth process getting back to the city from Santa Fe on Friday. Post-vacation found us diving head-first into New York adventures (like taking in the above Broadway show) this past weekend. Dan's mom was here for a short visit (it had already been postponed once b/c of Snowmaggedon) and we wanted to give her the full NYC experience. It was lots of fun, but now I am p-o-o-p-e-d. Glad to be back to "normal life" with some alone time to catch up on silly mundane things like Bachelor-watching & blogging :)
Back to Santa Fe though. It was wonderful! ...sigh...it's just such a lovely & peaceful place. Such fresh air, so many good restaurants, such inspiring art. Love it. Some highlights from the trip include:
~spending time with family
~skiing in the beautiful Sangre de Cristo Mountains with my brother & Dan
~walking Canyon Road
~wine by the fireplace almost every night
~beautifully clear, crisp weather every day
~lots of restful downtime (finished this fantastic book in about a day)
And since I was so terrible at taking pictures this time around, I'll have to post a few* from vacation's past, just for kicks (and so you can see just how lovely Santa Fe really is :)

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