This is a shot of one of my latest pieces entitled Michigan -- a collage on canvas. It is actually the visual counterpart to one of my latest songs, also entitled "Michigan."
I wrote the song earlier this year, not intending for it to be this process of emotional healing or therapeutic in any way, but just a song...about a place I lived...during a time that was hard. Sort of a way of making amends with that place...because, as silly as it sounds, I placed a lot of blame and responsibility on Michigan. It felt more manageable to have someone to blame, and was what I needed to do at the time in order to get by. But writing "Michigan" turned out to be quite therapeutic -- it seemed to somehow release a lot of emotion and grief that had been locked away over the past few years. I suddenly remembered so many moments and faces and places -- friends, fights, magic and love....It somehow forced me to just really feel and grieve and come to terms with that time and place. When I first wrote it, I could hardly get through it without crying. But now I play it in front of packed out pubs and dimly lit clubs....And the emotion is still there, but so is a measure of peace.
Some things came up this summer that caused those emotions to resurface a bit. And that is when I began really diving into the art again. I didn't know where to put everything that was swirling around in my head, but I knew it couldn't STAY in my head. And I was having a difficult time writing music -- so to the drawing board I went. This little canvas piece had no direction at first, but I somehow found myself pouring out those Michigan memories once again. So I guess you could say it is a visual reflection of the emotions I was feeling when writing that song -- of the emotions I continue to feel on a daily basis when I think about that place and all that was found and lost there...
This *could* be the start of something....I am actually in the process of working on another collage piece that correlates to another one of my songs -- "In That Moment" -- which can be heard here. Maybe one day I will have an entire collection of pieces that reflect each of my songs and I'll be able to take this show on the road! Who knows....I don't have it all worked out, but it's definitely a thought that's been a-brewin'...I'll keep you posted. And in the meantime, I just need to find the TIME to create all of these things that I feel the need to create....*time* -- that's a whole other topic for another post though.
Until next time....

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