Thursday, June 7, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend.

A few photos to share from one of my favorite places on earth: 
 I know Jersey has gotten a bad rap over the years...and while it is true that the Jersey Turnpike is not the most scenic of thoroughfares (and their rest stops leave little to be desired), there are some really lovely (yes, lovely!) parts of New Jersey. Like Stone Harbor, which is way, way down at the bottom of the Jersey Shore. 
I have spent the last two decades going down to this little pocket of goodness with my family (my grandparents began the tradition 60+ years ago) and even had the privilege of living there for two summers after college with my grandparents, which was an incredible gift in so many ways.
 I was thrilled to share this special place with Dan several years ago, and now again with Miles...sigh...I'm pretty sure my heart expanded about three times it's normal size upon seeing my little sweet pea dip his toes into the icy Atlantic waters for the first time. 
When we entered the condo, which sadly has been put on the market by my Papa, I was hit with such strong memories of my grandparents (even 9 years after her death, it somehow still smells like my Nana's perfume). To then see my little one crawling all over the place, in their home, creating new family moments to mix with the brought tears to my eyes. 
Overall, our time in Stone Harbor was so so wonderful. Yes there were some sleep issues and some teething issues that weren't so fun to deal with...and a beach vacation is a little bit different with a baby then without...but the good definitely outweighed the bad. It was so much fun to see the confusion/discovery/joy cross Miles' face when we set him down in the sand for the first time. He liked to scoop up handfuls of it, hold his hands high above his head, then slowly release the grains all over everything. It was quite dramatic :) 
We kind of killed the camera's battery on the first day taking all of these millions of pictures of that cute little face, hence the lack of photos of *anything* else. So here's a post from 2010 that shows off the rest of Stone Harbor's charm :) Enjoy!

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