Monday, January 3, 2011

2010 Recap.

I don't normally recap years (just weekends, typically), but I am feeling nostalgic for another (good) year gone by and anticipatory for the year to come (it is always fun to play the "where will I be in one year from now?" game)(I really have no idea). So let the recapping begin!

It all started in New York, in the heart of Times Square on New Year's Eve, in fact. With the New Year came things like: a commitment to Doing Something (ie: weekly photo project), reflections and ponderings on my life in the city,  and the launch of my Etsy shop.
...a whirlwind of New York to-dos, lasts and goodbyes (which has me tearing up now as i revisit it).
And that's about it, folks. Some of the highlights, anyway. Whew. No wonder I'm so tired...what a packed/crazy/rollercoaster-y year! I just want to thank you all, my lovely, faithful readers -- both friends & strangers -- for reading my words and commenting and sharing life with me. I'm honored. 

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